EGAD's Vision for District Development

Connecting a main street extension to Highland Ave. to further develop EGAD as a valued destination for locals and visitors alike.

In July 2021, the Eau Gallie Arts District (EGAD) Main Street organization presented a district redevelopment vision quest durning a press conference attended by members of the EGAD Board of Directors, The City of Melbourne and the developer of the proposed hotel and garage on the site of the old Foosaner Art Museum.


  • The private-public parking garage project proposed for the District is very near final approval and is now the exclusive focus of the Old Eau Gallie CRA extension. The boutique hotel proposed for the current Foosaner Art Museum site has undergone its latest feasibility study and will now be developed as a luxury hotel brand.
  • The Vision Quest rendering is a visual centerpiece promoting the concept of redeveloping St. Claire Street as a main street connection with Highland Avenue.
  • Reimagined, the street would “s” curve from US1 and terminate east at Highland Avenue in front of the proposed parking garage and the Eau Gallie Civic Center.  The new St. Claire would include street parking, art-inspired roundabouts and opportunity for property owners and developers to build 8–12 retail and office buildings in a planned fashion.
  • A river boardwalk would be constructed and run from the Eau Gallie Causeway north to Pineapple Park.A tree lined walkway would connect the boardwalk to Highland Ave.